

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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15 June 2003

What I Want

  • To be a father I want to be a father who loves his kids desperately. I want them to be aware of that sub-consciously every day, but not ever consciously.
  • To be a husband I want to be easy to be married to. I don't want my partner to ever have any reason to think I'll cheat on them. Cheating sucks big time.
  • To be tangibly useful I'm going to study economics and development stuff, because I think that all the nice things you get from intangibles you get from tangibles as well. But not the other way around. I doubt want my faith in my own usefulness to be matter of how I'm feeling on a given day.
  • To be soft I don't want to become a capitalist or a right-wing person or a conservative with the answers. I don't want justice to be my only yardstick for morality. I don't want to blame people for not being more in control of their lives.


  1. ryan, you’re one of my favourite people. even for some reason you don’t achieve those things – not that i have any doubt you won’t – you’ll always be a special person for even considering to.

    erin / 3:17pm / 15 June 2003

  2. I think you have very honourable aspirations. :)

    Haley / 2:08pm / 16 June 2003

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