

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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31 December 2003

Want to drink at the water hole?

If you've got Blogger - change these tags so they each have these comments wrapped around them. Don't change anything else, just add the bits.

<!--AUTHORSTART--><$BlogItemAuthor$><!--AUTHOREND--> <!--TIMESTART--><$BlogItemDateTime$><!--TIMEEND--> <!--TITLESTART--><$BlogItemTitle$><!--TITLEEND--> <!--POSTSTART--><$BlogItemBody$><!--POSTEND--> <!--DATESTART--><$BlogDateHeaderDate$><!--DATEEND-->

Then tell me so I can add you. If you've got something different, then just use the equivalent tags. At the moment it assumes the "date" is just a date and "time" is just a time. They get combined and converted to a timestamp. So it might break if those fields are drastically different to the Blogger default. If you want to get a bit technical. And I assume everyone does.


  1. I’m glad you did it for me because that all went over my head.

    Tom / 1:08am / 31 December 2003

  2. Oh dear. If you don’t understand, then probably no one else will either.

    Ryan / 1:15am / 31 December 2003

  3. I understand now. You didn’t have the

    Tom / 2:00am / 31 December 2003

  4. Oops there was HTML coding in that last comment and the stuff I wrote disappeared.

    Tom / 2:01am / 31 December 2003

  5. Will it also work if I add that RSS thingy Blogger offers?

    Willem / 6:47am / 31 December 2003

  6. I don’t reckon it would work. One set of stuff comes from the database and the other set is a series of HTTP readers that read a page until they find all the required blocks.

    Ryan / 9:13am / 31 December 2003


    That is my thought on html codes and computers in general.

    Rach / 12:38pm / 16 June 2004

  8. im assuming this is the church blog?

    Tim McCloud / 5:19pm / 2 August 2004

  9. Not really. Although there aren’t many non-Christians on it. Do you want to join?

    Ryan / 10:42pm / 2 August 2004

  10. yes… and who is ryan

    Tim McCloud / 3:13pm / 3 August 2004

  11. i can’t get my head around where i’m suppose to put that code in my templates.

    Colin / 1:12am / 5 August 2004

  12. Ryan i have tried to put all of the links into the template. But i can’t find the one of them. Can u put me on and do i need all of the 5 codes in the template?

    liz / 3:26pm / 5 August 2004

  13. That’s all fine. I just checked it. Most people don’t have titles anyway, so don’t worry about that one. The only one you need to change is POSTSTARTS. It’s POSTSTART and POST_END without an ‘s’. But I’ll add you in, so that when you change it, it should work soon after.

    Ryan / 6:04pm / 5 August 2004

  14. Thank you

    liz / 8:17pm / 5 August 2004

  15. I should make it work with RSS.

    Ryan / 5:33pm / 23 August 2004

  16. im a newbie…..what am i suppose to do?

    David T / 1:37pm / 15 September 2004

  17. Email me your journal address. And update the tags in your blogger template to use those extra tags up the top. You don’t have to use the POST_TITLE one if don’t want.

    Ryan / 1:49pm / 15 September 2004

  18. have I done the tags right?? can you add me?

    bjd / 8:24pm / 15 September 2004

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