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8 January 2004

Shiny Shorts and Glittering Footwear

Tom and I have had a very slow day. We went to the beach and some a bit burnt. At the moment we are shopping. We've been shopping for about 5 hours I think. You lose track of time in these places.

I found this good article about words and pretending. It's sort of meant to be about "relationships", but it's not really. It's more about the outcome of not calling things by their real names. He thinks that the word "relationship" is so vague, that anyone who uses it hasn't got the commitment to make "it" work in any of the many ways it could be meant. I agree with him.

We had a really great sun shower this afternoon. It's been overcast all day, which I think has contributed to our lethargy. But at about 5pm, the sun came out and it started pouring with rain. Pretty good.

I bought some clothes. I haven't found the laundry at the youth hostel yet, so I figured it would be easier to buy some more pants, than look harder. Not really. I just imagined myself in this shirt and these jeans, and I looked so damn sexy that I couldn't resist. Shopping is often like that for me. I have moments of inspiration, where the fashion stars are all aligned, and I know that in the outfit I'm holding in my hand, I'm going to look simply perfect. It's almost too easy.

If anyone wants a job this internet booth is looking for Energetic Sales Staff. The people who work here spend most of their time playing Solitaire, so I can understand why they might want new ones. Although I have difficulty seeing what opportunities there would be for an energetic salesperson to really show their colours. Maybe that's why I'm not one of them. And why I still haven't managed to fit "energetic" anywhere in my resume.

It was good at the beach today. Everyone was 10 years younger, or 20 years older than us. So there were no boys to think we were uncool. And no girls to think we were unsexy. It was so freeing.

I went swimming in the Youth Hostel pool while at least five brown lads and lasses were sitting at the table next to it. And I stayed in for a good few minutes, and hardly got scared at all. When I got out, I just picked up my towel, walked out the gate and down hall. And I didn't trip over once, or run into a single wall. Undoubtedly one of the coolest moments of my life so far.

I have a fantastic idea for shopping malls. They should replace all the fluoro lights with the UV lights they have in tanning salons. That way people would never have to stop the bronzing process. And all those folk walking around in bikinis or without shirts, would have a reason too do so. I think that's why people love the beach. The water is simply an excuse. While I'm at it, I might design some trendy full body baggy swimming suits, that cover all whiteness and any imperfections in shape. I'd make money and be doing something good for the world at the same time.

Tom is making fun of me. He's a bumhead sometimes.


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