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10 January 2004

World of Movies

Tom and I went to Movie World yesterday. It was very funny. The Lethal Weapon ride and the Scooby Doo ride were tops. Some things were pretty cool. Most things were funny. Some things made us cringe. Like the Movie Magic Tour. Dear oh dear.

Today was much better than yesterday. I lay in bed until 12. Then I lay on the beach until 6. I'm almost finished the book I started yesterday. I found it, The Nameless during our 5 hour shop at Pacific Fair on Thursday. It's pretty good. Spain turned it into a film, which was scary and good. I saw it with David Hackman. The book is yuckier, but not nearly as well done. A bit like the Lord of the Rings perhaps. The books had more in them, but I don't think they were as well done as the films. I think the films might have had more thought put into them. Which is easy, since there were thousands of people involved with the film, and only one with the book.

But Tolkien is the man. I love him. Totally platonically of course.

At the beach today there was a girl who was very young on a body board. Except she was the best surfer on the beach. Which is especially funny since Coolangatta is the third best surf beach in the world. Actually, I should qualify that. She was the best surfer at our set of flags. She picked a spot out the back - far further out than any of us boys went - and over to the right of the flags. She seemed to be catching the best waves, but no one moved to copy her. Then one of the life guards came out for a swim. He splashed around in the middle for a while, but soon moved over to where the girl was. Then a second life guard came in, and went to the same place. Soon, about 20 people were all crowded in that one spot - out the back and to the right of the flags. I was so impressed. I resisted moving, but I got dumped so many times in the spot I was at that eventually I moved over with everyone else. I thought the girl was going to be all hardcore. But I overheard her calling her two friends out with her, neither of whom were super-keen on going all the way out.

It made me want to become a better beach-goer. And Tom was talking about learning to surf. I reckon it would be a good thing to try and learn.

It was great fun. I swam. And lay down. And body boarded. And read. And then went home for a quick dip in the YHA pool. I got dumped heaps. And kept wondering when it was going to get thrown onto the back end of my board as the front dived into the sand. That's the problem with shallow breaks. You can get damaged in the real sense, not just in the sense of having gallons of salt water up your nose. I thought I'd hurt my knee, but it's feeling OK now.

After the beach Tom and I went down to the end of Coolangatta runway for a quality game of frisbee. Those Rebel frisbees are tight. I got an orange one at Rebel at Pacfic Fair while I was waiting for Tom to finish blogging. The orange ones are my favourite, but they don't have any left at Hornsby. I almost got a glow in the dark one, but they were a bit more expensive. Still cheaper than a Squidgee Disc, but a lot more than the basic Orange Franklin. I think maybe the orange frisbee my dad had when I was a kid was a Franklin. Or maybe I'm just projecting.

I like it how people get gradually better at frisbee. It's a very rewarding game. The first hour you play you get heaps better. And then after that you just get steadily better and better. Like me for example. I'm fully heaps good now. Fully.

I'm kind of just waiting for Tom to stop posting now. I wonder if he's just waiting for me. I think Tom does good things like proofreads his posts. Just to make sure he hasn't revealed too much of himself to us. And stuff like that. I should do that. But I won't.


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