

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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12 January 2004

Lint Ball Responses

Lots of thought-provoking responses, but sadly no bids.

Hi, is the lint made of wool and is it suitable for felting. Also could you weigh it for me. Ta, Vicki

Ryan Thanks for the information. I was hoping you had enough to make a pair of slippers, but it doesnt seem so. Thanks anyway and good luck with the auction. Vicki

Hello Roseplant, I was wondering...why would anyone sell a ball of lint...? And...why would someone BUY a ball of lint?? I have no idea. You made my day though!! The only thing i can think majik! Austy.

I need the exact dimensions of the ball of carpet lint as I have to make sure it will fit up my vacuum cleaner pipe.

If it won't fit into my vacuum in one go then I will ask among my friends to see if anyone will go halves with me. Could I carve the ball of lint into a shape like a hedge? Then I could onsell the scraps and make a profit. Janet

Hi, im just curious as to why a ball of lint is worth enough to sell, and also why you would need $50 to insure it. Jason Low

The only person who is more stupid than you, is the one that bids on this item. Keep it real. Moron.



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