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14 January 2004

Philosophical Self-Improvement

I once read a tiny bit of a philosophy book while I was browsing around Collins at Broadway. It suggested that one good philosophical thing to do is learning to like a food that you previously didn't like.

So I thought I'd try to do it. I've being trying to think of foods that I don't like. I could only think of marzipan and glaced cherries, both of which I dislike passionately. But I picked glaced cherries. And I thought that while I was at it I could learn to like John Mayer's Your Body is a Wonderland. No more track skipping. It's going to be a very big year.

  • 9:56pm
  • Joy


  1. gasp I love that song.

    Haley / 10:26am / 15 January 2004

  2. Well you’ll have to pick a different one. May I suggest Aint Gonna Bump No More With No Big Fat Woman by Joe Tex.

    Ryan / 10:37am / 15 January 2004

  3. shudders Do I have to pick that one? How about “Me against the music” By that spears girl. I dislike her, but I figure I could like that song if I had to.

    Haley / 5:38pm / 15 January 2004

  4. You have to think about what’s better for your soul. Britney or Joe Tex? Tough choice.

    Ryan / 9:14am / 16 January 2004

  5. I learnt to like coriander. In fact I’m cooking it for dinner tonight.

    Ryan / 8:41pm / 26 October 2005

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