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23 January 2004

SOAP is dreamy

Wow. SOAP is so good. Especially with PEAR::SOAP. So easy and convenient. And I've just written a little class that lets you automatically serialise any object over SOAP. Without any shenanigans at all. How tops is that. I don't think it would work very well with other languages.

There are so many things to get excited about in the world. Econometrics, web services, frisbee. So much.

Update: I take it all back.


  1. A class, is that some sort of ‘function folder’?

    All the programming/scripting I’ve done has always been procedural, with functions thrown in as tools to make things easier. I’ve never actually needed objects and classes. I’m interested in the theory, though.

    Willem / 5:22am / 24 January 2004

  2. not really. a class is more like a blue print. a blue print of an object that is.

    basically, objects, similar to variables, only they can also perform options. in C, think of a union, or a struct. it’s just a list of a few different variables plus functions that can perform actions on those variables. and they’re all localised.

    class is to object as a prototype is to a function in C.

    in php, that’s the long and short of it. but in more advanced langauges, like C++ or Java, there’s differnt types of class members (functions/variables). one type is public, meaning anything can access it the function or variable, say from a function call, or calling a variable. others are private meaning, only the object itself can access it. often alot othe functions in objects (in these languages) are completely hidden from outside the class.

    then there’s other fancy things, which php does more or less do. like inheritance. which basically means you have a basic class (or blueprint) that can do general things, then you can adapt and build more specific attributes to the class.

    did that make sense?

    chris / 1:55pm / 24 January 2004

  3. Assuming I had taken a basic C course, or had plenty of experience building sites with PHP.

    But that’s not the case. :)

    I’ve done ASP, usually only to write out HTML or do funky DB stuff, and JavaScript, to manupilate the DOM and for CSS purposes.

    Willem / 2:14am / 25 January 2004

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