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1 February 2004

Bad Webmaster

Usama Bin Laden is on the FBI's top 10 most wanted list. Except his profile was last updated in 1999, so his worst crime then was the bombing of the US military base in Saudi Arabia.

He's very tall. Between 6'4 and 6'6 they reckon.

Their webmaster should get his/her act together. They need better time management skills perhaps.


  1. Probably the webmaster is too busy battling terrorists to bother informing the public what the terrorists did to deserve getting attacked in the first place.

    Haley / 4:28am / 1 February 2004

  2. But Haley. We have to just trust them. Without question. And for as long as it takes. The war against terrorism isn’t like other wars. It requires much more trust. And trust is a good thing isn’t it.

    Ryan / 9:38am / 1 February 2004

  3. In dubya we trust.
    Hey, that has a nice ring to it…

    Anonymous / 12:29pm / 1 February 2004

  4. You should buy a copy of the latest adbuster magazine, it has a very interesting article on the “dubya”, they did a psychological break down of his past, why he was an waste of space for twenty years of his life, and why he shouldn’t be running the country. Very good stuff.

    James C / 1:06am / 2 February 2004

  5. That list must be old, cos if you go to the FBI homepage and follow the most wanted list it gives you a different list, and osama isn’t on it.

    James C / 8:10pm / 2 February 2004

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