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3 February 2004

UNSW Academic Advisory Seminar Session Help Day Event

Today I went to the talk thing where they tell you what subjects to do. I went the same lecture theatre as last time - the ones with the uncomfortable seats. My back was so sore by the end of the day. I tried to arrange my timetable so I wouldn't have to use that building, but I couldn't.

The hall was filled with teenage Asian boys. All very young and upwardly mobile.

All the talks took about 3 hours. We broke off into a pure economics room. The guy who chatted to us was good. Much better than all the other ones. All the other school leaders had too much marketing experience and not enough to say. The only good one was the marketing guy himself, and then only because he was rude to Arts students. And also because he had an Indian accent. It's like with Tinku. Lots of things that wouldn't be funny are hilarious, just because they're said in an accent. The marketing guy knew when to use his accent too, so it worked very well.

I was surprised to see girls in the economics talk. Wasn't expecting that at all. It's mildly reassuring.

At the end of all the talks I was completely overwhelmed. I'd gone from not being interested in anything much, to being vaguely interested in everything. I couldn't decide between business law, international business, finance, industrial relations, economic strategy and management. I sat in the foyer bit for quite a while trying to nut out how the timetable worked, and if I was going to be able to do the courses I wanted in three years.

Which reminded me.... I wasn't doing three years. I was doing five years. And two degrees. As I sat there, I thought to myself, "Bugger. I've forgotten my second degree." A guy told me to go and ask at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, so I run up there. They photocopied some stuff for me, which made the stuff I'd just being trying to understand look like as easy as peanut pie. I went back and sat down again, trying to decide if any of the stuff I'd worked out before was still useful. In the end tt wasn't.

Doing a double degree means to get less time in both degrees, and totally bollockses up any of the recommendations they give you. Instead of 2 critical electives in the first year and 4 fairly important electives in the second year, I have no electives at all until third year.

But it wasn't until I'd read their little booklet 10 times over that I was sure that this was actually the case. They need to put more pictures and arrows in their booklets. And friendly smiling girls - they have a lot already, but they could easily put in more. You'd almost think that women didn't go to university. All the men in the booklets are ugly.

The only information I've been able to find at all, that relates to the degree combo I'm doing is two paragraphs in the uni handbook. No humans know anything about it. Actually that isn't true. Some of the lecturers I spoke to had heard of the degree, so at least I know I am at the right university.

After all my silliness I realised that everything I needed to know was written down on one piece of paper. I don't really have to choose any majors or electives for another two years, so until 2006 all I have to do is enrol in exact courses they tell me to. Which is something I can do.

My first semester is Microeconomics 1, Accounting and Financial Principles 1A, Quantitative Methods 1A and my Social Sciences doohicky Social Science and Policy.

I'm very excited. I think it will be fun.

Can someone please tell me what major to do for Social Sciences? I don't need to pick until much later, but I want something to be able put on my degree in the meantime.

GEOG Geography GEOL Geology HIST History PHIL Philosophy POLS Political Science PSYC Psychology HPST History and Philosophy of Science SOCA Sociology SPAN Spanish and Latin American Studies (History stream) THFI/FILM/THST/DANC Theatre, Film and Dance


  1. Well, of course Psychology is far superior to all those others. It should be the obvious choice. ;-)

    Seriously, with what you’re interested in, would PoliSci be useful? Or History, maybe?

    Allyson / 3:34am / 4 February 2004

  2. Definately theatre, film & dance…

    I mean, what if the Australian Ballet Company were after an economist…

    Matt / 10:34am / 4 February 2004

  3. Political Science is probably what I’d do. But I’m seriously trying to think of an excuse to do dance. I had wanted to come to university because it was the scariest thing I could think of doing. It doesn’t scare me anymore. But doing dance scares the lycra pants off me. Which seems like a pretty good reason to do it.

    But I’d like to do psychology or philosophy too. I want to do all the ones starting with “p”. Except sociology, which I’d like to do as well.

    Ryan / 10:47am / 4 February 2004

  4. I found philosophy and theatre to get old very fast. In fact, philosophy got old before it even started. It even inspired a friend of mine to write a fairly well-received piece eloquently entitled, “Fuckin’ Philosophy.”

    Theatre combined with film and dance could be more interesting though. You’ve just described my extracurricular list during high school – I liked it at the time.

    Allyson / 4:08pm / 4 February 2004

  5. I’m with matt. Stretch yourself.

    helen / 11:30pm / 4 February 2004

  6. Either Political Science or Philosophy. Or Geology just because no one else has suggested it …

    lesley / 2:06pm / 8 February 2004

  7. I did the Spanish and Latin AMerican Studies and how tops was it??? Very tops is the answer. The lecturer was my favourite in the wole of my University career. Except for Lindsay who was my favourite too. And even though I went to Sydney University it was a subject run by NSW so I reckon you can’t go wrong there.

    jo / 1:31pm / 11 February 2004

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