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15 February 2004

Learning Principles

I went to the UNSW Learning Principles workshop yesterday. It was pretty fun. The people were really good. The guy tried to make us remember each others names. John, Mindy, Joanne, Mark, Xuan, Max, Jess, Nyu, Phillip. And the teacher was called Peter. A lot of what he said was fairly obvious. But he was so friendly and easy-going, that he made the whole idea of going to university less frightening somehow. So that was good.

Xuan and I played frisbee for a couple of minutes too. She's from Vietnam, and doesn't speak much English. But she knows 7 other people studying at NSW who came with her from Vietnam. That's heaps more than came from Hornsby with me. 7 more in fact.


  1. FRISBEE breaking down cultural barriers

    howie / 10:20pm / 15 February 2004

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