

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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16 February 2004


Last night was very strange. We'd just come from Villawood to go to church. I was hungry, but I didn't really feel like eating. We were sitting in church waiting for it to start. There were people I wanted to go and say hello to, but I felt pretty crappy and stuffed up so I just sat in my chair next to Michael. Just before it started I went outside for some air, and ended up lying on the grass for the next hour. I missed Jane's story, which was sad. I went inside for the last song, but wasn't sure what to sing. I sat on the bricks at the side of the church and must have looked pretty pathetic and miserable. I was hoping that there's be extra volunteers, and that Michelle would say I could go home. She did say I could go home, but Rough Edges wouldn't be able to open if I did. Tinku, Jo and Mil went down to have Thai food I think. They must have assumed I didn't want to come or something. There were only three Rough Edges volunteers. Lorraine had come in just in case there weren't enough. She's the best.

It was a pretty slow night, and I didn't really notice anything that was going on anyway.

On the sheet at the end of the night we put highlights and difficulties.

The only difficulty was Man taking bottle of drink from fridge. And the highlight was Man putting bottle of drink back in fridge when Lorraine asked him to. Pretty slow night. I prayed for the first time. I was glad that nothing terrible had happened and that we had fresh bread even though it was a Sunday night. I forgot to count how many times I said "just". I don't reckon it could have been that many because my whole prayer lasted about 6 seconds. I thought Laurie might say something too, because my prayer was so anemic, but he was just as happy to leave as I was.

I caught a train to Town Hall with Lorraine. Then waited, and caught a train to Wynyard by myself. Then waited and caught a bus to Hornsby. Then waited for a bus at Hornsby, until my head had finally done enough maths to tell me that I'd be better off walking home. So I did. And got home at 12:30pm. It could have been much worse.


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