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23 February 2004

Is there a word for a baby hedgehog?

Until relatively recently there was no well established word for a baby hedgehog. Although the word kit had occasionally been used, and sometimes pup or piglet, most books about mammals just called them baby' oryoung' hedgehogs.

However, by the early 1990s the word hoglet (or sometimes hedgehoglet) had been introduced, and this word seems to have been in general use among those with an interest in hedgehogs since at least the mid-1990s.


  1. that’s cool. if I were into pets, which I’m not, then I think I’d like to have a pet hoglet. Just so i could say ‘I have a pet hoglet’.

    helen / 3:39pm / 23 February 2004

  2. Hedgehoglet is equally acceptable.

    I’m not sure what hedgehogs have to do with the more traditional hogs.

    It is cool. I think it’s funny that they talk about it so seriously.

    Ryan / 3:45pm / 23 February 2004

  3. We usually refer to our baby hedgehogs as evil cuteness. ;)

    Hedgehog World / 1:42pm / 28 April 2005

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