

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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2 March 2004

He’s a good chap

Nazis are alright chaps, so long as you're not jewish, or communist, or a gypsy or one of those other people they don't like

Some guys I know were having a conversation the other day that wasn't very nice to women. I was thinking about leaving, because it was really off. But I thought to myself, "It's ok. They're generally nice people." Except by liking them just because I'm not the target of their nastiness, isn't respecting the people they're being nasty too. I got upset with my friends the other day, because they were saying some guy in Hornsby was alright, so long as you weren't a girl. I thought that was terrible, it shouldn't matter if you're the target or not. If that guy treated me the way he treated women, I'd think he was crap. And if those guys treated me the way they treated the girls in that conversation, I'd think they were crap too.

But maybe it's the same as me eating with people who eat meat. If I was a cow, I'd reckon they were all crap. So I don't know. I think that eating animals is worse than treating women badly in conversations, though they are both awful.

I don't know at all.


  1. do you believe animals have feelings?

    matt / 1:43pm / 2 March 2004

  2. To a limited extent. But that’s not why I think eating them is bad. I think that eating them is bad because they don’t want to die, and they feel pain. If they didn’t care if they lived or died and were anaesthetised when they were killed, I wouldn’t mind.

    Ryan / 11:55pm / 2 March 2004

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