

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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6 March 2004

Bom Boddy Bom

We had a long meeting today about remote offiste backup and all that jazz. We have to negotiate with the fellow who's paying us to license back from him some of the stuff we built for him. Because now we've decided that it's actually pretty good. We were trying to decide if we could put "Best backup solution on the market" on our brochures. We thought it might be lying at first, but we decided that it probably wasn't. We're using all the snazziest stuff. Even stuff that is so new and snazzy (and still a bit broken) that no one else has even started using it. And people can go and look at their stuff using the web thingo we wrote and we want to now license back. Useful things are always exciting. It's nice when you create something that has people coming up to you trying to give you money to use it. You don't have to pretend or convince anyone. If I ever run a business (which God-willing will never happen) I hope that it will be selling something super useful. Because as you all have probably noticed, I think that useful things are just the best.


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