

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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8 March 2004


From the dictionary:

  1. To excuse for a fault or an offense; pardon.
  2. To renounce anger or resentment against.
  3. To absolve from payment of (a debt, for example).

Pardoning is pragmatic and not particularly an act of grace. You'd be unlikely to do it if you thought the person was likely to commit the crime again. Which is opposed to "excuse" which is like forgetting, accepting or justifying.

Renouncing anger I'm not sure about. I don't think that resentment is ever useful. But anger might be. Jesus got angry. Anger communicates to people we love more succinctly than calm explanation does. Which doesn't justify it, but perhaps does make it useful. Perhaps righteous anger is constructive in moderation. Like drugs. That's the difference actually. Righteous anger is crap. But perhaps non-self-conscious anger is less yuck. When you start to feed your anger with twisted reason (the righteous sort), then is definitely the time to stop.

  • 12:12pm
  • Joy


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