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11 March 2004

Two Week Student

Today was the end of my second week at university. I doesn't feel like I'm there very much. Nothing has really happened yet. The lectures are just getting into swing still. But I'm liking it much more that I was last week. Still don't know anyone particularly well, but I'm starting to feel like there are people I could become friends with. And it's less scary. And frisbee is so fun.

Thursdays involve 7 hours of lectures and 11 hours of being at university. So I'm pretty tired. I had my micro tutorial this morning. There were two whole people at my table who were doing a BEc. They're the first people I've met who're doing economics. And what's even better, there are two other people in that tutorial who're doing commerce and social science. Like me. And one of them is in my social science tutorial too. It's amazing. The girl in the social science tutorial I think is one of those greats sorts of people who are always inconceivably bright and alert. I havne't confirmed this by asking her or anything, but she seems that way.

I met up with Max. We had lunch and chatted for our break. He explained comparative advantage to me. Which I discovered I did understand after all. I'd just been assuming equal terms of trade, which I think might have been what Ricardo orginally assumed. When you're allowed to change the terms of trade, it's a less interesting theory.

Actually, to be honest, I still don't fully understand it. I understand it more than I thought I did at the end of that lecture, and less than I thought I did before the lecture. Which is an improvement.


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