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17 March 2004

Good Frisbeeing and Picnicking

We had a tops night of frisbee, food and of course, fun. Most of the people I expected might show up didn't. And a fair few who I didn't expect did. Most of the evening was spent with one or more of the many frisbees brought for the occasion. Some more of it was spent sitting around drinking cheap scotch and cola, cheap wine and guacamole out of the orange Franklin.

Sometimes I wonder if my emails get through to everyone I send them to. I sent the email to heaps. But only about 4 people responded. One of them lived in Canberra and one of them lived in Canada. And one was from Dave at work telling me I was weird (in as many words). Oh yes. And the fourth was from Robert. Oh oh. And Andrew Lorien. And Allyson in America. But I probably emailed 40 people. And it had pictures and coloured fonts and everything. It even had a weather report. No gaudy marketing device was spared. I should have emailed more people overseas. I got the best reponses from them.

But it was great fun. And apart from running with Tom at 5:30 in the morning, I don't have anything to do tomorrow. So it doesn't matter that I'm having a latish night. And might be hung over from the cheap scotch. Sooo cheap. Cheaper than Red Bull.

Do you spell picnicing like "picnicing" or "picnicking"? Or would you use a different word altogether?

Oh yes. And today uni was great. All my classes were fun. And people were friendly in my social science tutorial. So much more talkative than in all my other ones. And I didn't do anything silly in front of a large group of people - like sit in rotten banana or have some sort of other food thrown at me. That hasn't actually happened to be yet, but I'm rather worried that it will.


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