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22 March 2004

Scootering to the House of Kemp

Robert and I scooted 22km on Sunday morning. We got wet and hungry and awfully tired. But it was worth it. Jo was so kind to us when we finally arrived. And Barbs was kind to us in the morning. She made me toast.

I think Jo's brother James has the most comfortable foam matress I've ever slept on. It was the best sleep I've had in weeks. Jo even lent me her cool as icebergs Jebediah and NOFX tshirt. And and and, it had a scooter on it. It was just perfect. Robert had to sleep in some "Kuta Flowers" shirt, which I don't think he was so happy about. I thought the flowers were pretty though.

It was a good adventure. One of our more epic journeys I reckon. We'll have to have more like them.


  1. yes ryan, you definatly did get the better end of the deal in the tshirt department. that shirt was from a youthfest concert in deewhy about 4 years ago…oh the memories.

    jo / 12:09am / 23 March 2004

  2. Yeah youthfest. and unless everyclock in my house is wrong, you’re writing this half an hour from the future.

    James Clarke / 12:30am / 23 March 2004

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