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15 April 2004

Hillsong and Glory

I was thinking about the Hillsong and CCC style of worship. And I thought about how what they're doing isn't that different to what Mary/"the woman" did to Jesus with the oil before he was crucified. Hillsong and CCC glorify God and Jesus in the most expensive and glorious way they know how. No expense is spared in the worship of God. It looks gratuitious to lots of people, but how can you call it gratuitous if you believe what is says in the Bible (which I definitely don't by the way). How is CCC spending $20 million to buy a TV licence, much different to Mary buying a year's wage worth of oil to use up in one go. In one sense it's grotesque, but in another it's spontaneous and extravagant (in a good way).

I don't think spending huge amounts of money on glorifying God is bad. But I don't think that spending some of that money on helping the poor and doing all that stuff that David said would be bad either. And you can all probably guess what I would do if it was up to me.

  • 3:04pm
  • Joy


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