

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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17 April 2004

Flaky Goodness

I'm so flaky. Less than an hour ago I was swearing (mildly) at the UNSW online library database searcheriser thing. I told the website to its face, that the Newcastle one was heaps better an easier to use. But just now, I was saying out loud, how awesome the system was. It has this rocking cross reference where you can do super techie database filter joins. So tidy. But this was totally forgetting my earlier wrath, and more embarassingly, all entirely forgetting that I'd been through this whole process a few weeks ago. When I first used the system I thought it sucked, but slowly realised that it was actually pretty cool. It's still harder to use than Newcastle's one, but there is lots of good new stuff it can do, which appeals to my geek nature and thirst for more power and control.

Very flaky is the me. And forgetful.


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