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21 April 2004

Arrrgh Boots

I sent this email to Ugg Australia and Deckers. They're threatening local sellers of ugg boots and the Macquarie Dictionary with legal action, because they apparently now own all the rights to "ugg" and "ugh" (although not sure about "arg", "ug" and "uggg"). What's funny though, their whole website is about how it's a real Aussie", true blue, "Down Under" product. They even tell the story of the lonely Aussie surfer who originally brought the idea to America back in the 1970s. What's even funnier, they don't sell them at all in Australia, so Australians can't buy ugg (or ugh) boots anymore. Hilarious.

Dear Ugg "Australia" and Deckers

I think it's disgraceful that you have patented the "ugg" brand and are denying Australian producers the right to sell an Australian icon under the name. And suing the Macquarie Dictionary for listing the word??? Particularly considering you have no presence in Australia at all, so I couldn't buy a pair from you even if I were to feel like giving you money.

Seeing the name of Australia on your website, knowing you're a 100% American company makes me feel kind of ill. There wouldn't be an individual in this entire country who would wish you well.

It's nuts - on your website you're cashing in on the story of the "young Australian surfer" bringing the idea to America. Just to have the idea swiped off him? Have you no shame? I know that all's fair in love and global business, but this strikes me as rather warped.

Are we allowed to sue you for sullying the name of our country? It's got to be gross brand devaluation or something like that.

As you can probably guess, I shall not be buying any products from Ugg Australia or Deckers in the future.

Regards, Ryan


  1. thats a worthy whinge, something that had my blood up when I heard it on the radie last weekend. can you give us all an address so that we can dispatch righteously searing emails in their direction?

    James Clarke / 11:53pm / 21 April 2004

  2. I sent it to these two addresses. The second one isn’t official, because Deckers doesn’t publish an email address on their site. I just found it in Google Groups, and hoped he’d forward it on.

    Ryan / 9:05am / 23 April 2004

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