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28 April 2004

Being Unproductive

I used to think that hanging around at home all day by yourself and not doing anything was depressing. Especially when it's overcast. But it was mostly just because you were being unproductive and useless. But I've found that even when I'm being useful, staying inside all day is still depressing. I need to go out and do more stuff on my study days I think. I would go swimming, but I'm too frightened to go to the pool by myself in daylight wearing Speedos. And it's cold. So I need something else. I suspect the only fun, active sort of thing you can do on cold, wet days is hanging out with people. Except everyone is at work, or at university.

So instead, I'm going to eat a lot, to cheer myself up. Wish me luck.

Update: I put on some angry Christian music, and that has helped.

Update #2: Lenny Kravitz is pretty good too.


  1. what angry christian music do you have?

    howie / 2:59pm / 28 April 2004

  2. Creed. Probably other stuff too, but that’s what I listened to.

    Ryan / 3:15pm / 28 April 2004

  3. ‘Angry Christian’ music.
    That classification makes me not want to listen to it.

    But Lenny is very very cool, of course. :)

    Willem / 1:01am / 29 April 2004

  4. You could always swim in boardshorts. Rainy grey days are for snuggling under a blanket on the couch, with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book.

    lesley / 7:15pm / 1 May 2004

  5. I like Creed. Their lyrics make me laugh, but I think the music is pretty cool. Which Lenny are you talking about?

    A few people have suggested boardshorts, although more for decency’s sake than anything else. Unfortunately they don’t work that well. You swim much, much slower. I’ve tried it at the beach. Just doesn’t work.

    Ryan / 2:02pm / 2 May 2004

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