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18 May 2004

10 Easy Steps to Successful Community

  1. Have absolutely no free time.
  2. Love and spend large amounts of time with people that don't really light your fire.
  3. Have long, involved conversations about things you can't see the importance of.
  4. If in doubt, put on a pot of tea.
  5. Have anyone at all come up to you and tell you everything you're doing wrong.
  6. Don't tell other people everything that's wrong with them, even if it will solve every and all problems of the community once and for all.
  7. Eat bad, overcooked, oily, raw, burnt, salty, squishy, flavourless, heart-felt food.
  8. Cook that food also, and invite others to share in your misery.
  9. Spend time with absolutely anyone who wants to spend time with you. Even if they smell, are ugly, wear brand name clothes, spend too much time in the bathroom, never wash up, don't clean their fingernails, like terrible films, cook particulary humble food, remind you regularly that you are wrong and/or sinful and/or not righteous, leave their towel on the bathroom floor, play horrible music, and especially when you're totally 100% convinced that they have absolutely no clue at all of What Community Is Really About.
  10. Commit. If it's not too much effort. And only if it's not too inconvenient. And you've got the time of course.

Community is easy - you'll see!


  1. Spot on.

    lesley / 1:41pm / 18 May 2004

  2. r u tellings us – how u r around the community – that these steps we should notice with u or jst in general or if its refering 2 sm1.

    i knw stupid question 2 ask – but some of them looked like u talkin abt sm1.anyway – nice & good 10 steps.

    Anmol / 4:35pm / 20 May 2004

  3. I think mayke my point is that community involves a lot of really quite significant sacrifices. Or it won’t work. I tend to forget that.

    Ryan / 9:27pm / 20 May 2004

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