

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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24 May 2004

Bit Crap

Had a crap old morning. I failed my quiz, which wasn't even very hard. It was just one matrix question. I did the whole thing twice, but made a mistake both times. Then I didn't have time to do it a third time. So frustrating, because I'm not sure what I can do to get better at it. I understand it, I just always make mistakes. It was a matrix question I spent 20 minutes on in the exam, when we were meant to spend 3.75 minutes on each question. I think that might be the sort of personality I've got to some extent. I understand things, but still tend to bugger them up.

So that's an easy 5% of the subject that I won't have. Bum.

And then, to make things worse, I forgot my phone, so Warrick couldn't ring me to organise the Krispy Kreme trip. He wasn't at class either, so I couldn't tell him I'd forgotten my phone. But it's still my fault. And I hate it when I'm unreliable and dodgy. It's one of the more annoying things about me.

I've managed to turn two fairly small things, into one hell of a shithouse morning. Oh, and afternoon now. Good stuff.


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