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24 May 2004

Like John, Like Ronan

I was listening to Mix the other day - as you do - and on came this song. I'd heard the announcer lass say "Ronan" just before it started, so I thought it might be him, and got excited. But the song was really different. Not at all like Ronan. In fact it sounded just like John Mayer. So I sat and listened to the new John Mayer song, and thought "Gee, isn't it good that Mix are playing John Mayer - I wouldn't have thought it." It was a good song. But towards the end I started to have doubts. There was just a touch of the Irish in it, and just a touch of that old Ronan warble. And sure enough, when it finished the announcer said "And that was Ronan with....." I never would have expected to get John and Ronan mixed up. By doing it, I've probably insulted them both.


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