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26 May 2004

In a row

Oh dear me. Four economics posts in a row. And this was meant to be a social science study day as well.


  1. Yes. More adventures and romance, please! (esp. the romance ;) what happened to that girl from the bus and the racecourse. I bet you didn’t do anything, right? :)

    Rainman / 8:24am / 27 May 2004

  2. I’ve seen her a couple of times. Once we both looked at each other and then quickly looked away. As you do. And she seems to be friends with one of my friends from my social science and maths choots. I ran into them both the other day, but only said hello to my friend because I didn’t notice it was “her” until I’d already walked past. I know, I should have gone back and apologised for not saying hello. And then said hello. And asked her how she was. And dropped into casual conversation before asking her out on a date. But I didn’t. I have got another romance post to make though.

    Ryan / 9:57pm / 27 May 2004

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