

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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28 May 2004

Long Comment

Comment on Tom's post about breaking the law. It was too long for silly Haloscan. Tom said I don't think God would lock up refugees. But should we actively work against those laws illegally?

I would be breaking asylum seekers out of prison if I didn't think the consequences would be worse than the benefits. We could do that. But we would be breaking democracy, because most people want them in there. We'd be further alienating asylum seekers by making them look like "law-breakers". We'd be further alienating people who are opposed to mandatory detention, and be making us look like "extremists". Which I guess we are. :) They'd probably just get recaptured and automatically deported. Or put into normal Australian prisons, with no chance of getting out. And/or I'd have my right to visit detention centres permanently revoked.

If Jesus was here I don't reckon he'd be cutting through the barbed wire with wire cutters in the middle of the night. I think he'd be talking to people and convincing them they letting immigrants out might be a nice idea. Although who knows how much influence even Jesus would have on the Liberal party.

I wonder if Jesus made the lives of anyone worse by standing up for them. Could the tax-collectors and prostitutes have become even more marginalised, because people saw them as "Jesus-pets"? Does that matter? Maybe the sense of value that asylum seekers could get from a few Aussies trying to break them out, would be worth the costs of "middle Australia" deciding they were naughty. But I don't know if I have the right to make that decision on behalf of the hundreds of people in detention. Maybe we should start a petition amongst detainees.

"Do you want extremist Australian sympathisers to break Australian law on your behalf? Please list laws below."

That would be fair. :)

Of course, you can argue that this entire line of argument is a total copout, and really, if I had any integrity, I'd be down the hardware store in my lunch break today buying bolt-cutters.


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