

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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29 May 2004

Foot Sore, Nose Runs

Dear me. What a long night. It's 2am, and I only just got home. Cityrail is a bum. Should that be plural? Cityrail are bums?

Dave the Poet came up to me tonight while I was in the kitchen. He started "Have you had your meeting with James about my website yet?" This is the meeting I never said I'd have, and don't really want to have. "No", I replied. "You're lucky I don't have a gun aren't you," he said suddenly. "What?" I asked. "You're lucky I don't have a gun," he said again. "I suppose so," I offered. Then he chuckled at me, thoroughly pleased with his joke.

We had a snazzy new volunteer tonight. Who isn't that new, because it's her second night. But I haven't met her before. Her name is Bonnie. She's fun and makes good jokes.

Apart from all that, my foot is sore, my nose is running, and it's way way past my bed time.


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