

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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1 June 2004


I'm a bit scared that I'm going to become a conservative. I hope I don't, but there's not that much I can do to stop it. I probably just tend to associate conservative with nasty. But I guess they don't have to go together. Although probably other people won't see that there's a distinction either.

At least I know I'm not likely to become a Christian conservative. And definitely not a social conservative. I'm always going to support wacked-out ideas like treating gay people as normal human beings. And I'm not going to start campaigning against brothels or anything.

But I might start doing horrible conservative things like disagreeing with Amnesty International reports, or liking things I read on the IMF website. So far I've only read a couple of Amnesty things I didn't like. And I still haven't read much on the IMF website I like (that could come back to bite me), but these things could happen. Especially if the IMF starts doing more talks about "being to strict on austerity measures". And if Amnesty keeps making t-shirts that say "Do Good, Feel Good".

I prefer being a hippy, but maybe I have to learn to embrace change.

I started writing a letter to John Howard after I saw In Our Name the other day. But everything I wrote felt like a copout. It was like I was offering nothing but moral outrage, to a problem that I don't have a solution to. Maybe that's enough. Maybe the government just wants to know that we want them to try harder to find a solution. With some things I could write a letter, and follow every point through with evidence or something a bit logical. But all I could say in this letter was "It's horrible, I don't like it, do something about it." But blowed if I know what that something is.


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