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6 June 2004

Play School

Another article on the same page as "This man is a complete idiot" was titled Play School becomes gay school. It's about how in one of the "through the window" stories there was a girl who had "two mums". The social conservatives weren't very happy about that, but the ABC said they're just trying to reflect reality. I think it's tops that they're willing to do that. Good on them. Just one of the many reasons why Play School is so much better than Sesame Street. Although apparently South African Sesame Street had an HIV positive character. That's pretty good too.


  1. apparently the US social conservatives opposed the south african HIV character because they were worried that it was sending the wrong message to their kids about sex… even though the HIV character wouldn’t appear on US TV, they didn’t want HIV and sesame street used in the same sentence

    James Clarke / 12:35am / 6 June 2004

  2. Good on them. It takes a lot of courage to stand up to children’s television.

    Ryan / 2:42pm / 6 June 2004

  3. bert and ernie

    Anonymous / 11:01pm / 6 June 2004

  4. I think Bert and Ernie where still in the closet. Given that we want to encourage the suppression of homosexuality, then some healthily repressed homosexuals like those two make great role models for kids.

    Ryan / 12:53pm / 7 June 2004

  5. Ah, sad but true. And all homeless people are grouches, and all siamese twins are slow readers

    Anonymous / 9:31pm / 8 June 2004

  6. Although it could be argued that while Bert is suppressed, Ernie has accepted his true sexuality (we all know what he’s up to with rubber ducky). Ernie certainly seems to be the more relaxed and balanced of the two. Bert is a perhaps a message that not accepting yourself for who you are will lead to anxiety and nervous tension (not to mention monobrows).

    Anonymous / 9:39pm / 8 June 2004

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