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7 June 2004

Female Genital Mutilation and Cannibalism

Some guy called Shweder wrote a book about cultural expectations and relativism and all that jazz. Then some other guy wrote and article about it in response, which is super interesting. Well, at least it makes me really want to read the book.

Shweder reckons that female circumcision isn't as bad as people make out, and it's one of the few things that people respond to purely emotionally. I totally disagree with him, but then I'm probably happier to infringe on the rights on minorities than most lefties are. If you've got a minority view, which conflicts with the majority view, then you've probably got to start working at convincing the majority. If it's inoffensive then it doesn't matter. If it's a good view, in theory it will become a majority view. I don't think the solution is to demand that majority respect your right to do whatever you want. Tolerance isn't an absolute in my opinion, but it is a good general rule of thumb.

The judge who ruled on the cased involving the consensual cannabilism thing Germany said this How long before cannibals come to be considered a "cultural minority"?


  1. How do you like that title Mil?

    Ryan / 6:23pm / 7 June 2004

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