Mum makes the best muesli in the world. It's so much better than shop muesli. She puts heaps of nuts in it, and sliced coconut stuff. Whenever she makes it I completely forget about toast until the muesli's gone.
Mum makes the best muesli in the world. It's so much better than shop muesli. She puts heaps of nuts in it, and sliced coconut stuff. Whenever she makes it I completely forget about toast until the muesli's gone.
0.090 seconds
and lacathyn…dont forget lecathyn
howie / 11:41pm / 7 June 2004
I don’t know what that is. But I’ll try to commit to memory nonetheless.
Ryan / 12:15am / 8 June 2004
its lecithin. how could you forget that one.
Jum / 8:35am / 8 June 2004