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9 June 2004

Orgasmic Defenders

Last night was a tops old night at community dinner. I saw a few folk I haven't seen in a little while. Anne was there, and in good form. We accidentily got into a very short discussion about viagara. Not even because viagara is to do with penises, it was only because we get so much spam about it. But it was still too much for Anne who protested that we were corruption the minds of innocent young women like Gem and Jem. Then someone said that we should be allowed to talk about things like that. And Anne said that there were certain topics who shouldn't tallk about. So of course, we all started guessing which ones they might be. I eventually suggested "orgasms" and Anne shouted at me, saying we couldn't discuss that. It was only OK if you were married. So we said that Stella could talk about it then. Anne was unsure. Someone suggested that Stella tell us all how Keith was in bed. Which was too much for Anne, who cried "The poor man isn't here to defend himself." We all fell about laughing for a good bit, including Anne, who doesn't normally laugh at jokes about such rude things. It was the call of the night, no question.

Oh, except for maybe Robert and my joke about Tim being fat. That was pretty funny. We kept it going all night long. There are some subjects, like fat children and vegans, that never stop being funny no matter how hard to whip them.


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