What's the equivalent verb for the noun resilience? Resile?
Resilience is one super duper book. Everyone should read it. I finished it back some time in March or something. It's about resilience, of all things. It's written by Anne Deveson who I love. It's a shame she's in her 70s.
A verb for resilience is like a verb for green.
‘It was totaly greened!’
There no such thing, is there?
Willem / 5:16pm / 15 June 2004
I think there is a reflexive verb “to green”, but probably only in the context of gardening. e.g. “The tree greened over the summer.” That might be what you’re thinking about, but when else would you use it. Just as some random exclamation I suppose.
Ryan / 8:10pm / 15 June 2004