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17 June 2004


I'm at Macquarie doing some study. I was going to go to my uni, but I decided it would take too long to get there. Mum suggested I come here. There were buses from Pymble, and it would be really quick she reckoned.

My train didn't stop at Pymble, so I got off at Gordon. While I waited for the train back to Pymble, I checked to see if there were any buses from Gorden. I found a sign that said Macquarie, but it didn't look like any buses had been there for a while, and there was no big queue of students like at UNSW.

So I got back on a train to Pymble. I looked around Pymble until I found a bus. The driver guy suggested I go back to Gordon. So I did. When I got back to Gordon, I went back to where I'd been and found out that the bus didn't come for 40 minutes.

So I went for a walk to get some change. I couldn't find anywhere open, so I went to the hardware store and bought a big quick-grip clamp (the very best sort of clamp).

Then I went back to wait for the bus. It came. I had a chat with the driver, who was very friendly. After a bit we left. But we'd only gone a couple of blocks, when the driver got a message on the radio saying we had to go back. He apologised to us, and we returned to the station. A girl had missed the bus, so we had to pick her up. I think she was grateful. I didn't really mind, because the sun was coming in the window nicely, and I was happy for the not-study to last a bit longer.

But by the time I got to Macquarie it was almost 10am. Which is 30 minutes longer than it would have taken me to go to UNSW. It's nice here though. I'm glad I've had a chance to visit.

I think Rachel goes here. And I think she has an exam today. But so far she hasn't wandered past my tiny corner of the library and said hi.

There is so much cement at this library. I think Gough Whitlam must have said to the universities back in the 1970s, "Here, have a bunch of money. And have a bunch cement trucks. Go forth and prosper." Because all the university buildings, in all the universities are made of cement. And they look like they were built in the 70s. I reckon the problem is that because John Howard took all their money, they're so poor, they can't even afford to knock them down. Otherwise I'm sure they would.

I had a superbly disgusting vegie burger for lunch. It had cheese on it, but my brain was so frazzled from depreciaterising and amortiserising that I didn't even care. I was only alert enough to notice that it was grose. My apple was good though. And I wasn't expecting that. The apple I had in my mid-morning apple break wasn't nearly so scrumptious.

I ran into Chris in my apple break. Which made it hard to eat my apple. But it was fun to talk to him. We talked about self-validating axioms and accounting phDs very briefly. My project is to discover the titles of three accounting phDs. The whole thought is quite amusing.

Macquarie is better than UNSW. You don't have to wait for computers. There are more trees. And most importantly, the girls are way more hot.


  1. Good to know you’ve discovered all the fabulous benefits of Club Mac. There are nice trees there. And I’m sure you wouldn’t have had to wait for a computer cos it’s exam time, so we’re not really there. Sorry I didn’t wave at you in our most ugly building, the concrete blob that is the library. Was cramming in the morning, of course :)

    I can’t say I’ve really noticed all the hot girls at Macquarie. But maybe you need to look for these things.

    Rach / 6:05pm / 17 June 2004

  2. I too admire the concretedness of my old university. at least there is plenty of grass and trees to make up for it.

    Jenny / 6:08pm / 17 June 2004

  3. damm , i should hv applied 4 uni especially macquire. i went there 4 open day = i liked it. damm

    Anmol / 9:27pm / 17 June 2004

  4. I didn’t notice any either. I was too busy looking at silly exam papers to care about the girls. But I’m sure they’re lovely. How did your exam go then?

    UNSW is has more glass windows than Mac (which is good) but no trees at all to speak of (which is bad). I quite like concrete. I’ve come to associate it with learning and culture in Australia.

    Ryan / 9:49pm / 17 June 2004

  5. hahah, concrete=learning :)

    Rainman / 2:16pm / 18 June 2004

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