

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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18 June 2004

What a ripper wake up

The earthspin just then was so unbelievably-tastic pink and good. It only lasted for a few moments. Now there's nothing at all. Grandma rang at 7am to ask us a question about Iana or something. It was mildly annoying for about 2 seconds, and then I looked out the window and saw the sunrise. Then it was all good. Yay for the colour pinky-bluey-purpley-grey. It's one of the prettiest I think.

Then I cleaned up some poo. I had to wash my hands after. But the water was so cold that I had to go jump back in bed to warm back up my hands. I got up 5 minutes later with warm hands but no sunrise. I think there must be a moral to this story, because I was so disappointed when I saw it was gone. The moral might be about leaving poo-cleanup to other people.

I watched Moonlight Mile last night. It was the tits. Craphouse short (one of the worst). Tops film (one of the best). So yay for that.

I might go back to bed now I think. I have a big exam today. Three fun-filled hours.


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