Robert, I made the bright yellow sunflower (the one in the bottom left hand corner) change sizes if you open it in a little window. All for you. And I spent this morning doing it, instead of studying. That's how much I love you.
Robert, I made the bright yellow sunflower (the one in the bottom left hand corner) change sizes if you open it in a little window. All for you. And I spent this morning doing it, instead of studying. That's how much I love you.
0.113 seconds
what sunflower?? :( it’s gone!
jen / 7:16am / 19 June 2004
If you’ve got a really small screen, then it won’t show up at all. If you’ve got a medium one, then it will just be little. And if you’ve got a big one, then it will be big. Something for everyone.
Ryan / 10:12am / 19 June 2004
it seems to be gone to me. I miss the sunflower :(
Helen / 3:12pm / 19 June 2004
It’s still here. You probably have a small screen. When I was trying it at different sizes, it went right under the text on small screens, so I got rid of it. I could just add a button to turn it on and off. That would be super daggy.
Ryan / 4:21pm / 19 June 2004
I made it so that even small screens get the little flower.
Ryan / 4:28pm / 19 June 2004
Yay. Everyone can share in the joy of the sunflower!
Ryan / 10:05am / 20 June 2004
jen / 2:32pm / 20 June 2004