

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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19 June 2004

Subsidise Press Secretaries

I reckon that the government should subsidise the salaries of press secretaries for all our independent commissions and research organisations. I suspect there's a natural distrust of media people in those fields, and it would be good if they had more of them. They need people who are good at making boring research seem interesting. And that's hard so they'll need to pay people a lot to do it. So it won't happen unless the government pays for some of it.

I know what's right, so the government should listen to me.


  1. man ryan, you love your politics don’t you? it’s all way over my head. i wonder if i’ll ever talk about political issues in my blog. nah, politics aint my bag baby.
    but just to annoy you and howie and possibly even tom (the sceptic brigade) – Johnny Howard is a Christian and he goes to church with his wife and bodyguards…

    lozza / 3:42pm / 19 June 2004

  2. I don’t know if I would say I like politics. But I think that politics is a whole lot of mostly good people doing their misguided best to help other people. And I think that helping people is a tops thing.

    I reckon that John Howard is probably a really good chap. I like Phillip Ruddock a lot, and they both seem to good buddies. I totally disagree with them and reckon they’re helping Australia jump head-first into the toilet. But that doesn’t mean they’re bad people.

    Ryan / 4:20pm / 19 June 2004

  3. haha, neva tell me that u think John Howard is “a good chap”, she hates him with every essence of her being! :P hehe

    Beth / 5:52pm / 19 June 2004

  4. oops i meant neva tell mel not me. hehe

    Beth / 5:52pm / 19 June 2004

  5. I’ve never met him, so it’s hard to say what I think of him. But I like Peter Costello, even if he did make a crapshit budget this year. And Peter Costello must have to spend lots of time with John Howard. I kind of wonder if everyone in the Liberal party is actually nice, but they feel they have to be nasty because they think everyone else in the party is nasty.

    You won’t often hear me saying nice things about John Howard. So hopefully Mel will never find out.

    Ryan / 9:33am / 20 June 2004

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