

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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22 June 2004


According to the Oxford Latin to English dictionary, the word fides means all these things.

  • allegiance
  • reliance
  • guarantee
  • loyalty
  • fidelity
  • faithfulness
  • engagement
  • dependence
  • promise
  • truth
  • trust
  • honour
  • conscientiousness
  • authenticity
  • faith
  • warrant

Which I reckon makes it a pretty good word to use for non-religious civil unions. I'm not sure how you'd create all the extra adjectives and verbs from it. Maybe Rach can do that part. Everything I think of sounds silly.

fidet, fiderite, fidate.

Needs some work.

  • 8:55am
  • Joy


  1. fidelitous bond?

    Haley / 9:17am / 22 June 2004

  2. “Mom, I’m taking the fides with John”

    Willem / 7:51pm / 22 June 2004

  3. lol and what I make up won’t sound silly?


    Rach / 10:39pm / 22 June 2004

  4. Better people laugh at you than me.

    Ryan / 10:41pm / 22 June 2004

  5. I’m getting ogiled.

    Jem / 11:20am / 23 June 2004

  6. Really Jem? Did Chris finally ogilate to you? It’s about bloody time.

    Ryan / 1:57pm / 23 June 2004

  7. I thought it was impolite to ogilate girls.

    Willem / 5:03pm / 23 June 2004

  8. I know quite a lot of ogiled girls, I don’t think its impolite. But I was only being silly.

    Jem / 5:59pm / 23 June 2004

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