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23 June 2004

Sore Ribs

Man oh man. I sure found out. I counted up the marks I thought I'd probably got. 32 out of 60. If I get 29 then I fail the subject. So that sucks.

I forgot everything. I walked into the room and couldn't remember at all. The exam wasn't even hard. They were nearly all questions I could have fairly easily done the day before. I got much harder questions of the same sort right in the mid-session exam. I couldn't even find the answer to the simplest of simple annuity dudes.

On the up side, I was able to eavesdrop on an absolutely hilarious conversation on the bus on the way home.

And I almost talked to the girl. But didn't again.

My bruised-from-frisbee-diving ribs are really sore today. I'll go get a bandaid I reckon.


  1. ooooooo, wat girl?

    Beth / 5:15pm / 23 June 2004

  2. The girl.

    Ryan / 5:32pm / 23 June 2004

  3. haha, and her name is….. (or does she read this blog? cuz then u got a prob. i can empathise… ;) )

    Beth / 3:48pm / 25 June 2004

  4. I don’t know her name. I’ve only had two conversations with her, and they were both about maths. But she is friends with a friend of mine, although I only found that out recently. She doesn’t read this blog, but wouldn’t I seem creepy if she did. :)

    Ryan / 5:32pm / 25 June 2004

  5. Ask the of urs 4 her name, at least make that effort – then when ever u in a conversation with her – then u can say wat u think of this.

    well i think – jst ask her straight up from her – or ask ur friend 2 introduce u 2 her.

    Anmol / 1:26am / 27 June 2004

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