

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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17 July 2004


It seems a shame to waste my $2. It costs $2 for only 15 minutes in most places in New Zealand. Normally my time runs out way before I'm finished. But this one seems to go and go and go. So I thought I'd make another post, instead of doing the sensible thing and going to bed.

I'm going for an ice hike tomorrow. Maybe. If there's enough space. And if I've got enough money, I might do a heli-hike. It's one of those things I never in my life I'd have enough money to do. But I haven't spent very much so far, so I could.

Oop. Have to post it. The count down has started.

Ha......haha....wait for it....NOW!


  1. Are you going to ice hike on Franz Josef or Fox? A heli-hike. How fun. Don’t get cold. I hope you have a jumper.

    Jem / 10:30am / 18 July 2004

  2. What exacly is an ice-hike. A hike on ice perhaps? A normal hike is bad enough. Unless ur somewhere beautiful like the Grand C.

    Casey / 2:42pm / 18 July 2004

  3. I so totally did. And it was even more the bomb than this old internet bus I’m in.

    Ryan / 3:56pm / 18 July 2004

  4. Oh yes. You’re right Casey. Except it wasn’t bad at all. Not one bit.

    Ryan / 3:56pm / 18 July 2004

  5. It’s strange to see you write excitedly.

    I don’t think you’ve ever done that in your entire log, which I think I’ve read in its entirety. Unless there’s a whole recorded history of pre-Mil I am unaware of

    Wil / 7:01pm / 18 July 2004

  6. Really? But my blog is the king of ditzy excitedness. I get excited about everything. Like toast…. and not-burgers…. and ice-hikes. Oh yes.

    Ryan / 8:45pm / 19 July 2004

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