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17 July 2004

Veggie Burger

I had the best veggie burger of my life tonight. I sat in the car and ate it with Vanilla Coke. It was so saucy and floppy. Just like I remember hamburgers being when I was a non-veggie kid. It wasn't strictly speaking vegan, but so so yummy. I love sitting in the car and eating fast food. It's one of my favourite pass times.


  1. Mmmm veggie burger. Was it better than a fart burger?

    Jem / 10:29am / 18 July 2004

  2. Not better than a not burger burger, no. But that’s not going to stop me from driving 50 kilometers out of my way in order to have another one tomorrow. Actually, to be totally honest, it’s partly that and partly the brewery tour that’s meant to be good in Greymouth (which is the good vegie burger spot).

    Ryan / 3:58pm / 18 July 2004

  3. Oooo, and the brewery tour in Dunedinis ripper tops! I didn’t know there was one in Greymouth. Mmmmmbreweryvegieburgergoodnesssssssss

    Jem / 4:29pm / 18 July 2004

  4. I went. And the tour was way the coolness. So many big tins with funny names like “mashing tun” and “wort boiler” and “swirling tub”. And the vegie burger was delicious.

    Ryan / 8:42pm / 19 July 2004

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