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27 July 2004

The Rhythm Section

I'm reading a book at the moment called The Rhythm Section. I don't like it much, but apparently it was recommended by The Economist, so I must be wrong.

It's all about terrorism and this girl who becomes a secret agent because her parents die and she gets depressed and then gets sick of being a prostitute. The interesting thing is that the big plot at the end of it is about a suicide hijacking. She's got to try and stop it by infiltrating this Muslim terrorist organisation. The plan is for 5 suicide hijackers to hijack a plane flying out of Italy or Greece, and fly it into Manhattan in New York. The organisation is funded by wealthy Arab oil families, and the guy who runs it trained in one of Osama bin Laden's camps.

I checked the date on the book, and it was published in 1999. That's pretty amazing I reckon. I wonder if Osama (or whoever did the bombing) read the book and got the idea from there. This guy here noticed it too.


  1. gerbils are evil/

    Rach / 11:12pm / 27 July 2004

  2. Where on earth did you get a silly idea like that from? Gerbils are THE BOMB. Anyone who says different is a total guinea pig.

    Ryan / 11:26pm / 27 July 2004

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