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4 August 2004

City 2 Surf

I'm about to start training for the City 2 Surf. It's exciting. I'm starting training now because I think it's good to slowly work your way up to full training, when you're preparing for a big event. You need to leave yourself plenty of time to get into shape. It's going to be fun.


  1. The magazine “Runner’s World” publish a book about running. It is a very inspirational book with many training tips and hints, as well as a training program for a marathon. You should check it out.

    Rainman / 9:50am / 4 August 2004

  2. Hey mate,Training for a race is excellent run I reckon, gives me something to work towards, if your ever looking for a running partner let me know mate, I’m always keen to run with someone else, breaks up the long runs a bit, also check out for lots of good running advice.

    Benwah / 10:10am / 4 August 2004

  3. isn’t the city to surf in 4 days?

    Benwah / 10:12am / 4 August 2004

  4. Yes. In four days you can fit at least two practice runs, maybe three.

    Ryan / 10:30am / 4 August 2004

  5. ;) why not run twice a day for the next 4 days, then you’ll be EXTRA ready! have fun mate.

    Benwah / 10:47am / 4 August 2004

  6. so much for that idea then :)

    Rainman / 3:29pm / 4 August 2004

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