

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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29 August 2004

Cigarette Companies

I think it's odd that I don't have any problem with cigarette companies. I don't care that their advertising encourages people to smoke. I don't care if they knew that smoking was harmful to people's health. I'd even buy shares in a cigarette company I reckon.

Which is funny. Because I'm opposed to so many other things that companies do. I think it's mostly because it's about individual responsibility. I think it's much easier to stop smoking cigarettes than it is to break free of most cyclical crap - like poverty and social oppression. Most smokers seem happy enough to be smokers, but most poor people aren't that happy being poor or oppressed. Would you go down to the supermarket every few days and pay a whole heap of money because you wanted to stay poor? It's kind of an egalitarian thing too. Other sorts of crap like drugs and alcohol seem to have different effects on different groups. But cigarettes kill everyone at about the same speed. Which seems comparatively fair and reasonable to me. And everyone knows (and has known) that they kill you.

It might be silly. They're probably not any better than banks, but I hate banks. I wouldn't buy shares in a bank I don't think.

Is paying tax a bit liking buying shares in your own war? Collective responsibility is such a tricky dicky thing. I don't know what to do about it all.


  1. sure, but being poor isn’t addictive….

    Rainman / 1:44pm / 30 August 2004

  2. but I hate banks.

    What if banks had great customer service?

    Andy / 3:50pm / 1 October 2004

  3. If they treated all their customers well, then they’d be fine. Banks are important and useful, but I don’t like the way the big ones are run.

    Ryan / 2:55pm / 5 October 2004

  4. that’s because EVERYONE hates cigarette companies, and ryan refuses to think what everyone else thinks.

    andrew / 12:23am / 15 November 2004

  5. Maybe. But I don’t like banks and and child abuse and John Howard, and that’s not very original.

    Ryan / 8:15am / 15 November 2004

  6. y do h8 banks? rather giv ur money 2 cig companies!!!!

    tasha / 1:16am / 18 October 2006

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