As a nasty, but hopefully practical, solution to comment spam, you can't put URLs in comments anymore - on the blogs at least. If you're desperate to put a URL in, just leave off the 'http://' because that's what it searches for.
As a nasty, but hopefully practical, solution to comment spam, you can't put URLs in comments anymore - on the blogs at least. If you're desperate to put a URL in, just leave off the 'http://' because that's what it searches for.
0.077 seconds
it won’t let me post comments regardless
jen / 8:49am / 14 November 2004
Whoops. Sorry. My Perl skillz are pretty crappo. Not to mention my bug testing skillz. I think it’s fixed now.
Ryan / 10:03am / 14 November 2004
ta ryan :)
jen / 2:30pm / 14 November 2004