

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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27 January 2005

Louie Crew

He has a funny website, but I like him.

At the risk of being still more invidious, I suspect that of the many nongay couples who break up, many break up because society's alleged supports of heterosexual relationships are falsely advertised and hypocritical. After the honeymoon is over, once the careers pull at each other, once Jan and John realize that their parents might even expect them to divorce, that their priest has divorced, that their friends and neighbors are too busy with their own relationships to care (except possibly for the value of self-congratulation that attends efforts to seem to care), non-gays choose to walk away from each other in bewilderment, or to remain together only by law. Gay relationships may be paradoxically blessed by not having the chance even to expect such support systems.

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