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13 April 2005

Lousy Ageing Population “Crisis”

I've been saying for who knows how long that there is no ageing population crisis. If anything the situation is better when an ageing population. Assuming people work longer. Which is what this Economist article is saying. Except I don't see why it's a big deal ethically. The baby boomers have had a pretty good run - a whole lot of a tax money, and nobody much to spend it on except themselves.

Debt threat; Ageing and public finances The most vital reform is to extend working lives. According to Ms Queisser, the report shows that there is only limited scope to whittle away future pensions: the way forward is to raise the age at which they start to be paid. Few people like the idea of retiring later, but it may be essential to prevent the ageing of populations from wrecking public finances.

And yes, I am in the middle of an essay.


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