

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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10 June 2005

Reserve Bank

I emailed the Reserve Bank a couple of days ago asking if I'd be eligible to join their cadetship program. A woman replied that said "Yes. You are eligible. And we strongly encourage you to apply." I was scared at first, but since she was so friendly it now seems much more fun.


  1. awesome

    David / 1:34pm / 10 June 2005

  2. What would you be doing?

    Wil / 11:12pm / 12 June 2005

  3. Just researching stuff. And then at the end of your time you present your research properly to some of the people who work there.

    Ryan / 12:50pm / 13 June 2005

  4. how long would that go for?

    Rach / 5:52pm / 13 June 2005

  5. just after i read that post, i went and picked some people up to go to camp, and one of the dudes i picked up had been working for reserve bank while he was studying and is looking at doing a cadetship next year. except he is an IT man, but either way, he said you should talk to him, cause it helps to know people or something, but i said i didnt know if you were serious

    kemp / 10:40am / 14 June 2005

  6. It’s only 8 weeks. I have no idea if they’ll let me in or not.

    Ryan / 11:29am / 14 June 2005

  7. I’m totally serious. I’d love to work there I reckon. But it won’t be for several years, so there isn’t much rush.

    Ryan / 11:34am / 14 June 2005

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