

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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18 August 2005


I never got around to complaining about the lack of people at the pilgrimage. Not to say we didn't have fun - we had trem endous fun. But we sent that invitation to about 150 people I reckon. And three people came. A couple extra showed up at the end, but they missed the guts of the day. And a fine, fine day it was too.


  1. I really wanted to come but sadly I was in QLD. WEll, it was good to be in QLD, but sad not to be at the pilgrimage.

    Helen / 9:26pm / 18 August 2005

  2. i know that i had work. and also, probably no money :)

    jenny / 11:05pm / 18 August 2005

  3. Some people had to work.

    David / 2:08am / 19 August 2005

  4. Well I am overseas so couldn’t make it but still don’t know if would have gone it’s not like anyone else did. Sorry I am so mean it’s just I laughed so hard when I read the post about it. love you and miss you

    Gem / 10:05pm / 30 August 2005

  5. I am overseas so couldn’t make it. Although still don’t know if I would have gone. I laughed so hard when I read your post.

    Gemma / 10:09pm / 30 August 2005

  6. Yeah starting to see my comments do work it just takes time. Sorry that is why I wrote the same thing twice and also why I wrote that question. I didn’t think that would get through. Hey how do I get in contact with James Clarke?

    Gemma / 5:46am / 2 September 2005

  7. What David said.

    lesley / 11:13pm / 2 September 2005

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